No Gain, No Love Son Hae-yeong, a dedicated employee at a prestigious law firm, was on the brink of a coveted promotion. However, a company policy requiring employees to be married stood in her way. As a single woman in her late 20s, Hae-yeong faced a dilemma. Desperate to secure the promotion, Hae-yeong sought a creative solution. She approached Kim Ji-uk, the quiet and unassuming employee at the neighborhood convenience store, with an unusual proposition: a fake marriage. In exchange for his cooperation, Hae-yeong offered a substantial sum of money. To Hae-yeong's surprise, Ji-uk agreed without hesitation. The two began their charade, crafting a believable backstory and exchanging rings in a small, private ceremony. As the months passed, Hae-yeong's career flourished, and she was eventually awarded the promotion she had so desired. However, as time went on, Hae-yeong began to question the authenticity of their arrangement. She realized that she had developed feelings for Ji-uk, and the fake marriage had become more than just a means to an end. One evening, as they sat together in a quiet park, Hae-yeong confessed her true feelings to Ji-uk. To her relief, he admitted that he had developed feelings for her as well. In that moment, their fake marriage became a real one, born out of necessity but nurtured by genuine affection.